Monday, May 3, 2010


Hi Guys

 What a great day yesterday. The weather was good a little breeze down the runway and all was Mach 1. I counted 26 pilots from the time I arrived till I left. Came late but left at 15h30. We had planes of every type doing the rounds. Took the toilet paper up and regretfully Alex Curtis and Dereck Butow became aerial buddies and destroyed their aircraft chasing after the glory of tearing the paper. See the pics. Also had Luis Haarhoff fly the quickest jet I have seen. Skilful camera work and I managed to capture history on film. 'Barend had a really nice P51 Mustang which looked great. Lucky to have this last souvenir as the plane is no more.

 Welcome to Luis Dos Santos and his son I trust that you will have a great time at our club.

 Enjoy see you all This Sunday


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