Thursday, March 1, 2012

DDRF pictures needed


Hi all


Please have a look at the pictures that you have taken at the airfield as I have a couple of sponsors lined up who want to see their products at our airfield in order to commit their involvement at the DDRF Family Fun Days 2012.


As I have mentioned on the Blogg, the dates will be confirmed within the next couple of days and I really hope that you will commit to attending these days as I am already have the commitment from a number of sponsors and would like to make it worth their time and money to support us.


I need pictures of:

Thunder Tiger Planes

Thunder Tiger Helicopters

Lanyu Park Flyers

GWS Slow Flyers

Mini Titan Helicopters

Raptor Helicopters


Thank you for this and please send it to me as soon as possible so that I can secure some more great products and prizes.


Kind regards


Marnus Els

071 479 5838

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

DDRF Family Fun Days 2012

Hi all.

As you are aware, we host 4 Family Fun Days per year at DDRF and always welcome all members, families, friends and other clubs to participate on these days.

This year I firmly believe is going to be the start of great things to come!

I have really put time and effort into these new projects and have some great surprises in stall for the visitors as well as the participants.

There are a number of sponsors who have already committed their support and participation on the days of these events and I really hope that you will all make the effort of spreading the word and also inviting all enthusiasts like ourselves to come and enjoy the day with us.

It is really going to be great this year and I appreciate all your support and welcome any suggestions that you could make.

The dates of these events will be confirmed by the committee within the next couple of days, SO...Watch this space!!

Thank you all again!



Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Crested Barbet

OOoops!! Wrong blog?....Subject: Crested Barbet


Hi Guys

 A very disappointing turn out for an excellent day for flying. The wind was very mild and mostly down the runway. I only counted 14 pilots who came through. Was there an international rugby match yesterday which enticed all the members?

 We are pleased to have co opted the services of Marnus Els to help with the events and social activities on the resignation of Ray Jameson. Ray resigned after the AGM as work pressures had made things difficult for him to attend to matters. Ray thanks for all your help it was really very much appreciated. I am sure Marnus knows what big shoes he is stepping into and will give his best there.

 I am currently arranging for shirts to be made up, and will hopefully have all sizes in the coming weeks.

 Also attempting to find hats and hopefully send out some samples out via e mail later this week.

 See you all this Sunday, Enjoy the pics


Peter Carlisle