Monday, September 20, 2010


Hi Guys

 What a great day for flying yesterday. Brilliant. We had a great time. The wind dropped off a lot and the pilots and a good time getting their dusty planes into the air. I counted 20 pilots who arrived – Kevin Hopper being the last one as I was leaving. So it was a well supported day. Thanks

Got my new sporty off the ground for a second time yesterday. Which went off as expected. Really simple plane to fly and land. Land is simple. Place aircraft onto appropriate approach zone, line up with run way, switch off transmitter, make tea as the plane put itself on the ground.

We had a visitor yesterday who flew that very impressive Mustang. Really great to watch.

To our new comers who I have not welcomes as yet - : Keith Kruger, Wayne Wallace and Adriaan v.d Westhuisen. Welcome I trust that you guys will enjoy the club and your flying there. To the guys I have not met pop in some Sunday and let me put a face to a name. Having said that – I wont be there this Sunday as I am on leave for a week but will be there 3 October 2010

Enjoy the pics – Sorry Ray you looked just too good to leave out – Sorry about the plane though.


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