Monday, February 7, 2011

DDRF AGM DAY-05-02-2011


Hi Guys


A full weekend just past. We had our AGM where a quorum was present and thee following issues were passed by all present :



  • Kevin Hopper re elected as Chairman
  • Peter Carlisle re elected as Treasurer
  • Mel Brewis re elected for Maintenance
  • Final accounts for the year ending 5 Feb 2011 was approved
  • Budget for 2011 was approved.
  • Amendments to the constitution was approved see attached
  • Following members elected to the committee : Jerry van Gool (special projects) Wayne Wallace (Training and Grading) Ray Jamieson (Events) Garth Norful (Saturday flyers) Dennis Cook (Helicopters)
  • Frik Rothman and Paul Davies were thanked for their hard work and removed from the committee
  • Capital expenditure was ratified and Jerry asked to please proceed.
  • Members were requested to observe the rules and particular no flying before 09h00 and not over the estate.


All business concluded meeting was ended.


To the FUN


Please inform me if I have omitted some pertinent issues.


Before and after the meeting the flying was good with the wind a very light mild down the runway. Some really great new planes graced our skies. Garth did and excellent boerie roll for all those who stayed for a while after the meeting.


I brought a few aircraft along to the field - they are fully inclusive kits of a trainer and some eclectic inducted fan aircraft. If anyone is interested let me know. I will bring them to the field on Sunday


Following people have indicated they wish to join the Club. If anyone has an objection to any one of these people please let me know for the committee final approval.


1. John Crossman

2. Estelle Harmse

3. Donovan Stevens

4. Mark Erasmus

5. Keagan Carlisle – If anyone objects to my son he will have Paul Davies to deal with !!! (Ha Ha)


My old camera broke and Gerard kindly donated his old camera to the club – Thanks. I am struggling with it but I think I got some half decent pics from Sunday ( Yep I went on Sunday as well as my son has just learnt to take off and the bug has bitten) Garth you owe us some of your expert photos. Enjoy the pics.


Thanks to all members who have made this club a really enjoyable place to spend your leisure time


See you all next Sunday



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