Monday, March 19, 2012


Hi Guys

 What a great day to fly yesterday. The weather was perfect nice gentle wind straight down the runway. I counted 25 pilots who came through. Well done guys I saw the skies filled almost the entire day. The winner of the Kamikaze award is Adrian v.d Westhuizen. I did not get a pic as the plane was packed away before I could get my camera.

 We have got name tags for the pilots to book their frequencies. We made up for the members that are there. Mel has the magnets and name tags so please pop in next Saturday and obtain from Mel.

 I will hopefully have the hats and caps next week. The suppliers did promise me last week but apparently some problem caused a delay. Shirts will also be available on Saturday.

 Remember guys the fun day next Saturday. Marnus has promised a spectacular event and has worked tirelessly to achieve. Please all make a concerted effort to at least pop in for a few minutes.

 You will see that the infrastructure improvements have continued unabated. The grass has been planted along the embankment and on the Chopper mound. Last weeks rain worked miracles. The new car ports and paving has commenced and I am sure by the Saturday it will be looking first class.

 See you all Saturday – Enjoy the pics



Kind Regards,

Peter Carlisle


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